Backed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Sport programme, OSES project is composed of 9 partners: Sport and Citizenship (leader), EMSEA, the University of Barcelona, Surfrider Foundation Europe, Ocean as Common, DAN Europe, Ligue de Voile de Normandie, Green Coast Surfing and Begi Bistan. This project is funded by the European Union.
Several partners organise workshops and run pilot interventions on the marine environment in Europe. See our news!

Sport and Citizenship
Think tank in Europe, Sport and Citizenship works on the socio-political issues of sport. It aims to analyse sports policy and to study the societal impact of sport since 16 years.

European Marine Science Educators Association – EMSEA
EMSEA is a network of marine (science) educators acting as one voice across Europe and beyond. Their mission is to act as a hub for the European marine education community to promote and deliver ocean literacy across society.

Universitat de Barcelona
The University of Barcelona is a public university, offering quality education, research and engaging with society.

Surfrider Foundation Europe
Surfrider Foundation Europe is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to protect and showcase the importance of lakes, rivers, the ocean, waves, and coastlines.

Ocean as Common
Association involved in preserving the Ocean.

Divers Alert Network Europe – DAN Europe
An international medical and research organisation dedicated to the health and safety of underwater divers.

Ligue de Voile de Normandie
League enhancing boating and sailing in Normandy.

Green Coast Surfing
Surfing school in Portugal.

Begi Bistan
A multidisciplinary team in Spain specialising in various domains: nature, culture, water sports, leisure and so on.