1 – Our project
The “Ocean Sustainability through Education and Sport” project (OSES) is focused on raising environmental awareness from an early age through sport and on the education youth in eco-responsible actions. It is the result of a collaborative effort involving 9 partners.
The project meets several objectives:
– Giving water-sport federations and local sport stakeholders the educational resources enabling them to teach young people about ecologically responsible activities and help them develop environmental awareness from a very young age. Discover our resources.
– Making the sport movement a key actor in educating young people to protect their planet and its natural resources. Sport has this capacity for transmitting messages to the greatest number of people.
2 – What we do
3 – Our challenge
Ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and plays a crucial role to fight global warming. However, human activities such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change expose the ocean and its ecosystem to threats. Protect the ecosystem is a key concern today and for future generations to ensure a better future.
OSES project is part of the global EU Biodiversity Strategy and aims to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals listed in the United Nations Agenda 2030.

To take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
(sustainable development goal 13)

To preserve and sustainably use oceans, seas, and marine resources, which are crucial for life on Earth. (sustainable development goal 14)

The project started in January 2023, for three years. During this period, the project partners will be developing tools with the aim of educating young people about eco-responsible behaviour.
The OSES project will focus around four pilot interventions in four different countries – Portugal, France, Spain, Malta – to obtain concrete, measurable and identifiable results. Take a look at our schedule!
Kick-Off meeting – Brussels (Belgium)
Start of the project with the partners to explain the overall organisation, the management of the project, and discuss the realisation of deliverables.
Study on Sport and Ocean Literacy
Study on the impact of sport on the environment. Benchmark « state of art » to identify what is being done and what are the possibilities in the countries where the pilot interventions will take place.
Workshop on water sports and ocean literacy – Palma (Spain)
The goal of the workshop is to gather additional expertise and new, creative ideas and approaches in order to develop a methodology for teaching and raising awareness of ocean protection through sport.
Good practices handbook
The document includes a benchmark of educational tools and activities for environmental awareness and ocean protection. The document is available on our website.
Joint workshop – Barcelona (Spain)
- April 8th: Academic workshop – How ocean literacy and environmental awareness can be promoted in youth through sport?
- April 9th: Introduction of the pilot intervention.
Two-days workshops to test, discuss, and improve the indicators and the methodology, as adapted to the pilot interventions. This workshop gathers partners and relevant academic stakeholders.
Educational and practical methodology for the pilot interventions
Development of a methodology on training the youth and training the trainers, including contents, tools, methods, activities. The document will be available on our website. This methodology will use the different projects and initiatives already implemented by the partners to adapt it and to better integrate
the question of environmental education through and in sport.
Impact assessment
The impact assessment will feed the production of advocacy materials, policy briefing and position papers, on the potential impact of sport on ocean preservation, at local, national and European level. It will point out the pilot activities and the concrete impact of actions implemented by the different partners. The document will also present recommendations to increase the impact of sport and education on environmental awareness and ocean health .
Networking workshop for the sport and environmental movement
Invitation of interested actors to build activities and projects involving youth, sport, education, and environmental awareness, inside and outside the marine sector.
Demonstration activities and awareness workshops
France, Malta, Portugal, Spain
Four topics foreseen:
– Coastal protection and management
– The impact of climate change on ocean
– Protection of biodiversity
– Marine pollution
Final event – Brussels (Belgium)
The goal of the conference is to promote and disseminate the project results.